

Best Answer

there bones are dessind to not colapes and there are very rong

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Q: How does a snowy owl make thrust?
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Which is the rarest owl of snowy barn screech wood owls?

Snowy owl, lives only in circumpolar regions

What is the provincial bird of Saskatchewan?

The Snowy Owl.

Color of the snowy owl?

Snowy owl. -facepalm- you said it was SNOWY! Snowy-snow Snow- white.

Why is a snowy owl called an snowy owl?

because the color of its feathers is a snowy white

When does a female snowy owl pair with a male snowy owl?

in the spring

What countries do snowy owl live in?

The snowy owl lives in the tundra.

What is being done to help the osprey?

The snowy owl has adapted by blending in with the snow. Thus the name Snowy Owl.

What does the snowy owl like?

the snowy owl likes to eat

Why do they call a snowy owl a snowy owl?

Because of its white basic coloration.

What type of fur does a snowy owl have?

A snowy owl is a bird and has feathers not fur.

What is the size of the snowy owl?

The size of the snowy owl is about five pounds or up.

How do you get a snowy owl?

by catching the owl