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Well, first it only works one way. They will only come back to you, not go somewhere. After the pigeon has spent a couple of months in it's cage, it regards it as it's "home". Then, you take it somewhere and using internal navigation, it will find it's way back home.

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Q: How do you train Homing Pigeons?
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Related questions

How are messages sent using pigeons?

Homing pigeons.

Who will come and get abandoned homing pigeons?

Pigeons will live very well in the wild.

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What are the release dates for Adventures in Wonderland - 1992 Homing Pigeons 1-60?

Adventures in Wonderland - 1992 Homing Pigeons 1-60 was released on: USA: 1992

What should you do with a homing pigeon that was found and tagged?

Why not let it go? They don't call them homing pigeons for nothing.

What breed of pigeons were used in World War 1?

Carrier pigeons saved millions of lives. Carrier pigeons saved millions of lives.

What has the author Ray Nofsinger written?

Ray Nofsinger has written: 'Pigeons and doves' -- subject(s): Homing pigeons, Juvenile literature, Pigeons

Who uses homing pigeons?

Pigeon fanciers around the world for racing.

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Dennis the Menace - 1959 Dennis and the Homing Pigeons 4-25 was released on: USA: 24 March 1963

Do witches use birds for messages?

In movies and literature, yes. In reality, probably not very often. Its very hard to train homing pigeons, and takes a lot of time and effort.

Who invented carrying pigeons?

Pigeon post is the use of homing pigeons to carry messages. Pigeons were effective as messengers due to their natural homing abilities. The pigeons were transported to a destination in cages, where they would be attached with messages. No one knows exactly when they were first used for messaging but they were used for that purpose since ancient times.

Which bird carried messages during World War 2?

Homing pigeons.