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Repetition. Repeat, repeat, repeat. For example, if you want your bird to say hello to you every time you walk in the room, every time you walk in, say loudly and clearly, "Hello." And when you walk out say, "Goodbye." If you hear him attempt to reply (even if it sounds nothing like the word), give him a treat. Eventually, he will learn to talk. :) It may take a long time though.

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Q: How do you teach your cockatiel to say new words?
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How can my family teach my cockatiel to talk?

well, every time you see your cockatiel say what you want him/her to say. say it over and over and he/she will say it eventually. Just keep saying it every time you see him. It worked with my bird! = =

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Training a cockatiel to not poop on you, or other furniture is practically impossible. If you want to try though, train it almost as you would a dog. When your cockatiel poops on you, blow on it or spray him/her with water. Whatever you do DON'T yell at it(loudly say NO! or BAD!) this teaches the bird to say these words instead of disiplining it. Cockatiels learn words and phrases better when they are loud so don't yell at it. Just do something he doesn't like. Hope this helps a little.

What can you do to make your cockatiel talk?

What i did was i clipped my cockatiels flight feathers and recorded his name on my cell.Then i put my cockatiel in his cage (where he feels comfortable) and put my cell phone in there with the recording of his name.It kept replaying his name over and over......Till the point when he started chirping the rhythm of his name and soon enough after a couple of days he was able to say his name. TIP (down below if you are having trouble teaching you bird) Try 1or 2 syllable names for your bird.They have a much easier time saying there name if it is 1 or 2 syllables long. That is just a tip i am giving you.

How do you teach your furby boom new words?

1.say the word2. pet his head3.just do the first 2 steps then soon Furby will learn them

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yes you can say the word or words you want it to learn over and over again and it will pick them after a while

What can you teach a cockatiel?

I have a Cockatiel named lilly she can say pretty bird, bad dogs, whistle the food network show GOOD EATS theme song, and loves people and the birds out the window it took practic and a trick to get them to warm up to you whistle them a song i did it to her when my family first got her she loved it and came right to me.hope this helped- malia

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