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You don't.

The good part is that if they do simply wet it, wait a couple minutes and wipe it off easily.


Cleaning bird poop off my floor every day from my pet birds.

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11y ago
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13y ago

If they are flying over, nothing. You can perhaps try positioning a fake owl or other predatory bird on your roof, but this is limited as most birds get used to them and ignore them after awhile.

If they are landing on your deck, you can try running pie plates of other reflective materials around suspended. Birds are shy about movement and may stay away.

Otherwise, seal it, and wash it.

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15y ago

If the birds are flying into your area (not walking up, such as ducks coming in from a nearby pond) try stringing clear mono-filament fishing line above your head, say off the roofs edge. Make sure the lines are high enough so people will not run into them, and make sure you string enough lines to be effective. The birds will be scared away 'freaked out' by the lines, afraid they will get tangled in them, and will leave your balcony alone.

If they are sitting on a railing, for example, there are items sold to boaters to discourage birds from landing on the top of things. Some are made of sharp spikes, but others are just bristly like a big nylon hair brush.

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11y ago

Birds need water and will hang around the pool to drink and preen their feathers. If you want to keep them away you most likely have to scare them off. Try a sound bird deterrent to scare them off.

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16y ago

Cover it with a trampoline cover when you are not using it.

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9y ago

Put a bird feeder somewhere far away from the porch

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11y ago

You can put a scarecrow or you could hang CD disks all over the place because they hate shiny things getting sun in their eyes.

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