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Without having access to medical supplies, trying to suture a wound on a goose at home will cause more damage than leaving it alone. If your goose needs medical attention, you should take it to a veterinarian who can sedate the goose, clean the wound and suture with proper supplies as needed.

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Q: How do you stitch a wound on geese?
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Need an example sentence with the word stitch?

I will stitch it back together.I have a stitch in my ribs.The doctor will need to stitch the wound.

What is an open wound with clean straight edges?

It is a wound that is most probably cut cleanly not jarred on the edges. This is a good wound to stitch up, does not leave too much scar.

What is meaning of word suture?

A suture... is a surgical stitch to close a wound. Sutures are made of nylon thread.

Why do you get staples in your head instead of stiches?

it depends on how deep the wound is. normally they will use stitches if the wound is small and deep but they use staples if the wound is bigger but not as deep. also staples are newer and supposed to be less painful then stitches. it also depends on where your wound is. normally they staple wounds on the head and stitch on your limbs. hope this helped?

What does suture mean?

Suture is basically a stitch when you have a deep cut. So if you get stitches to close a wound they may tell you how many sutures they used to close the gash. Suture+stitch were as sutures mean stitches, there are no other meanings to this word. Ken...

What do you mean by suturing?

Suturing is the medical technique of sewing tissues together to facilitate healing or prevent infection. It is commonly used in surgeries, wound closures, and to repair injuries. Different materials, such as thread or staples, can be used for suturing depending on the nature of the wound.

What is the proper procedure if a patient shows up at your office bleeding?

That all depends on how much the patient is bleeding. If they are bleeding really bad then you would have to stitch, staple, or glue the patient's wound up after cleaning the blood off first. Now if the patient is bleeding but not loosing a lot of blood, then you would clean the wound and around the wound and then put a band-aid on the wound.

Why does super glue adhesion bond to skin?

because it was made for gashes it was quicker to glue the wound shut then stitch it. it was co incidence that the gluse stuck to everything else.

Why do you need to learn the different kind of stitches?

Because you need to see how deep the wound is and then suggest which stitch is the best to keep the wound clean. Answer two: I am assuming you mean sewing stitches, not medical stitches. The more choices you are aware of, the more likely you can find the stitch that will best fit your needs. Many of us make designs based on different stitches, and variation is useful for us.

When was Stitch by Stitch created?

A Stitch for Time was created in 1987.