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Q: How do you say cardinal in latin?
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What languages does cardinal dolan speak?

Cardinal Dolan speaks English, Spanish, Latin, and Italian.

What is Latin word for three?

Cardinal : tres,tria Ordinal :tertius

How do you say Hi to a catholic cardinal your eminence?

Yes, a cardinal is addressed as "your eminence".

What is the Latin name for a cardinal?

The cardinal is Cardinalis Cardinalis. Family, Fringilidae, New World Seedeaters. Allied to grosbeaks, finches, sparrows.

How do you say cardinal in Japanese?

sukikyo or kadinaru

What are the cardinal directions in latin?

septentrionali [north], australe [south], orientale [east] and occidentale [west]

What is the latin name for a cardinal tetra?

The freshwater fish "Paracheirodon axelrodi" of the characin family (Characidae).

How do you say helmet in Latin?

you say helmet in latin (casco)<- in latin

How do you say who am I in Latin?

To say "Who am I?" in Latin you can say "quisnam sum Ego?"

How do you say determined in Latin?

How do you say determined in Latin?

Is labor or work the result of sin?

Labor, is a Latin word, Labore. We tend to hear, about hither sin, thither sin and Cardinal sin's.How, about Pope or Cardinal attributes to balance the debate.