Cardinal Dolan speaks English, Spanish, Latin, and Italian.
Cardinal : tres,tria Ordinal :tertius
Yes, a cardinal is addressed as "your eminence".
The cardinal is Cardinalis Cardinalis. Family, Fringilidae, New World Seedeaters. Allied to grosbeaks, finches, sparrows.
sukikyo or kadinaru
septentrionali [north], australe [south], orientale [east] and occidentale [west]
The freshwater fish "Paracheirodon axelrodi" of the characin family (Characidae).
you say helmet in latin (casco)<- in latin
To say "Who am I?" in Latin you can say "quisnam sum Ego?"
How do you say determined in Latin?
Labor, is a Latin word, Labore. We tend to hear, about hither sin, thither sin and Cardinal sin's.How, about Pope or Cardinal attributes to balance the debate.