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my first action would be take it to the vet and do what they tell you

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13y ago

You should either take it to a vet or to a Wildlife Center. I mean, you can't possibly take care of it unless you are a vet.

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12y ago

It would be best to take it to the vet

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Q: How do you care for a pet bird that has a hurt leg?
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Hurt a pet is really easy but it depends on what type od pet u have

What bird is pocahuset pet bird?

a humming bird

How long does a fule gron tarantula get?

It depends on the species ! A full grown Goliath Bird-eating Tarantula can be as big as 12 inches from leg-tip to leg-tip. The usual pet species are around half that size.

What is the best breed of pet bird?

If your a beginner you might want to look into getting a parakeet (budgie) or a cockatiel.Both similar to handle and care for.

Is it kidnapping if you see a hurt animal and you take it in for care yes or no?

No, that wouldn't be kidnapping -- as long as you return it to the owner (provided it's a pet).

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Having a parrot is the best as it can say some words!

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What does it mean your pet bird guards the dead body of another bird?

Well, birds are a lot like us in some emotional ways; assuming this other bird and your pet were bonded? But even if not--this would indicate that your pet craves the proximity of another bird, not unusual--you might do the following. Animals don't really seem to understand 'death,' as strange as that seems; like little children. You might let your pet bird see you taking care of this other bird, even burying it, in a shoebox or something. It will appreciate it, believe it or not; and most likely 'visit' the site (in your backyard or whatever) whenever it is taken by! You might wait a day for this, so your pet knows that the other bird is no longer animate. Best of luck.

Did Jupiter the god have a pet?

His pet bird was the eagle.

Why does all pet parrots rest on 1 leg?

resting on only one leg is a sign they are comfortable. however, if they favor one leg over the other that could be a sign of a health problem.

Can a baby bird who has most of its feathers feed itself?

well if that baby bird is your pet and it can nearly fly,....... no. Trust me i have a baby bird for a pet.