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Birds fly in air. They use the air to fight gravity. When air travels faster along the upper wing than the lower wing, the air force down is less than the air force up -- really helps most birds. Gravity affects birds.

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Q: How do you birds fly is gravity pulling them to the ground?
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How do birds fly gravity or pulling them to the ground?

because they have wings

Why does gravity keep us down on the ground and not up in the clouds?

It is pulling us toward the center of the earth. We are lucky we live on Earth and no some planet with a weak gravity where we can fly in the clouds.

Can you fly in zero gravity?

In zero gravity, individuals cannot fly using wings or propulsion methods like in Earth's gravity. Instead, they can push off surfaces and maneuver using momentum and thrusters to move around in a weightless environment. Flying in zero gravity is more about controlling movement and direction rather than traditional flight.

Can Snipes fly?

No, Snipes cannot fly. They are ground-dwelling birds with making them unable to fly.

Why does gravity my pencil not let my fly into the air?

Gravity is a force of attraction that pulls objects toward each other based on their mass. In this case, the Earth's gravity is pulling your pencil towards the ground, preventing it from floating in the air. The force of gravity is much stronger than any force you could exert to make the pencil fly upwards.

What do birds do when snow is on the ground?

They fly to places without snow.

Why do bats and birds fly low to the ground before a storm?

Air Pressure

What is the difference between birds that fly and birds that don't fly?

Birds that can fly have evolved adaptations such as wings, lightweight bones, and a powerful respiratory system to enable flight. Birds that do not fly may have evolved in environments with fewer predators or abundant resources on the ground, leading to the loss of flight-related adaptations. Additionally, flightless birds often have more powerful legs and are adapted for a life on the ground or in water.

Why can you fly?

If you mean human then no.humans cant fly.Humans have weight plus gravity is taking place so humans ant fly.If you mean birds they can fly because they have wings which can defy gravity and make them fly into the air.

Why do birds choose to live in trees?

Not all of them do- birds that fly, probably feel safer in trees since many of their natural enemies can not fly. However,,some birds that can fly a little. like to nest on the ground, possibly because they get their food off the ground and feel at home there.

What kinds of bird build their nests on the ground?

Some birds that build their nests on the ground are flightless birds, such as emus and ostriches, but other birds which can fly are also ground-nesting. These birds include chickens, penguins, killdeer (a kind of plover), and water birds such as ducks, geese, swans etc.

Where can gravity can be found?

Gravity can be found everywhere on Planet Earth, the force that keeps us on the ground and doesn't allow us to fly is called gravity.