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Q: How do wedge tailed eagles move?
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Why are there no vultures in Australia?

Wedge tailed eagles Hope this helps =)

Where do wedge-tailed eagles live?

they live where they get a view of the surrounding countryside

Are wedge tailed eagles vulnerable?

No. They are listed as Least Concern by the IUCN.

Can wedge tailed eagles swim?

Most animals can swim to some extent however Wedge tailes eagles are not designed to go into deep water.

What does the wedge-tailed eagle eat?

Wedge-tailed Eagles eat small birds, lizards, small sheep, rabbits, hares and sometimes kangaroos. They also eat dead critters (carrion.

How do wedge tailed eagles defend themselves?

wedge tail eagle can defend themselves by using there claws and beak

Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat predators?

the dingoes and wedge tailed eagles

Can a wedge tailed eagle kill a kangaroo?

The wedge-tailed eagle will not try to kill a healthy adult Red or Grey kangaroo. Wedge-tailed eagles are certainly predators of adult wallabies, particularly the Rock wallabies. They are certainly known to kill joeys of all species.

What animal eats a kangoroo?

Dingoes, crocodiles and wedge-tailed eagles are the kangaroo's most important predators.

What are the wedge-tailed eagles predators?

The wedge-tailed eagle is the largest bird of prey in Australia. They are on the critically endangered list, being threatened by the loss of habitat, nest disturbances and being killed by shooting or trapping.

What would eat carrion in Australia?

Wedge-tailed eagles and Tasmanian devils eat carrion. So do crows.

What does the wedge tail eat?

Wedge-tailed Eagles eat small birds, lizards, small sheep, rabbits, hares and sometimes kangaroos. They also eat dead critters (carrion.