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The Mother Peguins Leave For NUMEROUS Amount Of Days To Go All The Across And Fetch Their Food!The Mothers Eat It Up,Go Back On Their Journey Feed Thier Young The Food That They've Swallowed!(And Yes,They Bark Back Up Their Fod To Feed Them!)

They Care For Them Buy,Keeping Them Warm And Making Sure Their By Their Babies Side When Their WORST Enemies Come To Try And Attack The Babies!

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13y ago
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13y ago

They eat foods such as fish, then they come to the babies after it is slightly digested and chewed, followed by Regurgitation. This process is essentially vomiting the food into the baby's mouth in order to give it the nutrients it needs, as it cannot fend for itself at such a young age, meaning, no food.

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15y ago

By first storing fish in their stomachand then regurgitating it into their chick'smouth.

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Q: How do penguins care and feed for there young?
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Penguins are wild animals, but they can care for themselves they have a natural instinct that they know when and how to hunt for food as in Fish and Krill

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You can feed the penguins on iGoogle by pressing them.

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