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their claws or their beak break their bones or split their skull

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13y ago

they use acid in there stomach just like humans

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14y ago

Owls catch small voles and mice and they swallow them whole. After they are partly digested, the owl coughs up the fur and bones as a clump called a "pellet".

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10y ago

Owls swallow small prey animals whole. With larger prey, an owl uses it talons and beak to kill the animal before pulling it apart to eat.

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12y ago

with there claws

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Q: How do owls eat other animals?
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Why can some animals eat other animals?

Yes. Like owls can eat mice.

Do coyotes eat owls?

no coyotes are far to big of prey, owls eat mice and other small animals

Do dolphins eat owls?

No. Dolphins are aquatic mammals and they eat fish. Owls are terrestrial birds and they eat other animals (usually voles).

Where was the barn owl when bobby and his father found him?

snowy owls eat other owls .they also eat many animals bigger then them

Why do owls eat?

The same reason humans, pets, and other animals eat: because they need nourishment to stay alive.By this do you mean 'What do owls eat?'Owls eat creatures such asmiceshrewsnakesfrogssmall birdssquirrelsratsand many other small creatures

What does a white owl eat?

Owls eat mainly rodents, and other small animals.

Does owls eat?

owls eat mice and small animals that are easy to catch

What does a owl eat and what eats it?

owls eat mice and they get them when its dark at night and no one can see them

What do long eard owls eat?

Mainly rodents and other small animals.

What animals eat round-tailed muskrats?

owls,hawks,and other preditors

What do owls feed on?

The owl is at the top of the food web; it has no major predators; Most owls eat mice and small animals such as rodents, insects, and frogs. Some of their favorite foods are voles, lemmings and squirrels. They also eat moles, rabbits, and other small animals. Bigger owls eat snakes and other birds.