They squat down
Ostriches sleep sitting down, at dark, and sleep off and on through out the night.
An ostrich sleeps in it's nest
Ostriches generally don't migrate.
Ostriches sleep standing up, with their heads resting on their backs. They do not lie down to sleep like most birds. This position allows them to quickly react to any potential danger.
They mark territory and 'go potty' there or they just where ever they are!
A pride of ostriches
you don't go to sleep
Groups of ostriches are called herds or flocks. Ostriches generally wander around in groups of five or less, they are considered nomadic.
Mythically, ostriches stick there heads in the sand when they feel they are in danger. So to behave like an ostrich is to ignore a problem in the hope that it will go away.
A Deal in Ostriches was created in 1894.