Messenger (also called "homing") pigeons have an instinct to fly home. Therefor, if you raise a messenger pigeon somewhere, and then take it with you, if you release it, it will fly back to the place it used to live.
They seem to navigate using an internal "compass." An experiment was done where scientists placed a magnet on a homing pigeon's head, and then the pigeon was released. It became very disoriented, which seems to prove this hypothesis.
you have to download the instant messanger. Or you have to have internet on your phone.
Blackberry Messenger only costs £5 on a pay as you go phone.
No. You can not get games on the messanger touch unless you buy them.
My Yahoo messanger is My Yahoo messanger is My Yahoo messanger is
Greek Mythology: Hermes is the MessangerIris is the goddess of Rainbows and a Messanger of the Gods
The boys were the T- birds and the girls were the Pink Ladies
Nooo its shitt you have to go on live update lots until it works
Meebo is not Dangerous, as you dont have to download anything, meebo is a Web Messanger, so it is probably as Dangerous as Windows Live Messanger, Yahoo Messanger, and all the other messangers out there
Some birds that start with the letter "t" are toucan, titmouse, tern, and turkey.
No they never fight. They race with the rival gang.
the t birds (grease lightnin')