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The have flowers and fruit but also speard by root.

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Q: How do hen and chicks the plant reproduce?
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What is the Riddle about hen and 5 chicks?

does it really matter ??

Does a cat and a hen reproduce in the same way?

No. A hen lays eggs and hatches them; a cat's kittens are born live. And the hen's chicks have to forage for food, guided by the hen, immediately they are born, while a kitten is fed initially by means of milk that the mother cat secretes.

How can a mother chicken tell which chicks are her's when on a farm with other hen's chicks?

By verbal communication, and even by sight. To a human all chicks peep the same, but to a mother hen, she can tell which chicks are hers and which are not.

What is the shouting of hen called?

It is called to cluck.You say: The hen clucked at her chicks.

Can a hen from an incubator have baby chicks?


Do you have to have a incubator to have chicks?

No. A broody hen will hatch a brood of chicks the way nature intended. Incubators or a brood hen are the only two ways to get chicks, egg won't hatch into chicks without the proper conditions of heat and humidity for 21 days.

Can chicks hatch with the hen squashing them?

Yes, the hen is careful not to squash the chicks. Hens sit on the clutch of eggs for three weeks without crushing them. Once the chicks start to hatch the hen is extra careful and often gets adjusts her position. The hatching chicks will stay under the mother hen for a few days and even when they venture out, they will dive back under her for protection.

Which is the adjective in this sentence ....The hen has some chicks?


What is Baby hen called?

A baby hen is called a chick.

How does a peony reproduce?

Peonies reproduce through a process called sexual reproduction, where pollen from the stamen on one plant fertilizes the ovule of the pistil on another plant. This fertilization results in the production of seeds, which can then grow into new peony plants.

Stuff to know about getting a hen to adopt chicks?

Introducing chicks to a hen can be successful if done carefully. Place the chicks in a warm and safe brooder for the first few weeks to ensure they are healthy and strong. When introducing them to the hen, do so gradually under supervision to monitor the hen's behavior and ensure she accepts them.

Is there any reason not to take the baby chicks from hen once they are hatched?

There are a lot of reasons TO TAKE the chicks from the hen. However, it is kind of fun to watch the hen with her chicks, if you have the room to isolate them from the flock.A few reasons to take chick from hen:Make sure chick gets adequate nourishmentKeep chicks safe from larger birdsKeep chicks isolated for their protectionReduce exposure of chicks to avian diseases/viruses/bacteria until they are older and able to handle the exposure