personally i think that roaches cant defend themselves because they dont have any special talent to help defend themselves
Yes, you need your senses to do karate. While vision is most important, sound can be valuable as well.
Their hard shells help protect them from predators.
why are flamingos importat to the enviorment
They are extremelly vulnerable and would extinct without the help of man.
I don't understand how flamingos could impact human life at all.
It may help children learn how to get out of unsafe situations. Also it could help them learn to defend themselves.
the colonists wanted to help defend themselves against spain
i'm not sure but base on my studies flamingos eat only the algae.. .. .. ..hope my answer help u :D :'(
how did paul revere help defend our nation
Yes, single-celled organisms can defend themselves in various ways. They may have protective outer coverings, produce toxins, form spores, or exhibit behaviors like swimming away from harmful stimuli. These defense mechanisms help them survive and thrive in their environments.