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Wrens are active, persistant little birds, but don't believe any bird has been called king of the birds, unless it is a local legend.

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9y ago

How the Wren Became King of Birds is a short story written by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey. It was adapted from a Manx Folk Tale.

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What bird is called a king in Ireland?

The wren is the King of birds and is celebrated on December 26 -- the Wrens Day - one song sung on that day begins -"The wren, the wren, the king of all birds,St. Stephen's Day was caught in the furze,Although he was little his honour was great,Jump up me lads and give him a treat.Chorus:Up with the kettle and down with the pan,And give us a penny to bury the wren. "

What do wren birds eat?

Wren birds usually eat seeds, berries or other small fruits

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How do you use wren in a sentence?

The most beautiful birds on our feeder are the wren and the cardinal.

What is the common name for the wren?

'Wren' is the common name for passerine birds in the family Troglodytidae.

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A Wren (assumed female) is often called Jenny Wren.

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There are many possibilities for words that rhyme with types of birds, depending on the birds. For example, "throw" rhymes with "crow" and "beagle" rhymes with "eagle."

What is the custom of ''feeding the wren'' or ''hunting the wren'' on December 26?

Where Im from in the west of Ireland its called Féile an Dreoilín..which translates as festival of the wren..and as far as i know it relates back to the story of the day all the birds gathered to see who could fly the highest and the eagle soared high above all the other birds the wren hid in the tuft of feathers on top of his head..therefore being the bird that flew the fastest and highest...gaining the title "The Wren King"...and so people hunt the wren and go from door to door singing a song called "ó mo dreoilin" and collect money as a reward for capturing the wren king...its a custom that is dying out now, but was very popular in the 1940+...hope that helps!

What bird holds its tail straight up?

Several birds do this, one of which is the wren.

What bird is called King of Ireland?

the wren

Can some wren birds be all white?

only albino wrens