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their difference is that the male's color is like i guess you know the color of their feathers is darker not like a different color like the same color but darker

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Q: How can you tell if your love bird is male?
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I'm pretty sure they can't. I'm sorry to tell you but your male bird is probably a female

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A cocktail is an alcoholic beverage. There is no gender for it. A cockatiel is a bird which has a gender.

HOW CAN you tell the gender of a bird?

You can tell if they are male or female because of their size. The male is bigger than the female who is the smalleer one.

How can you distinguish a female bird from a male bird?

Mostly a female bird has less color and the male bird is more colorful.

How can you tell which is female or male blue bird?

Female birds are always lighter in color and not with bright colors. Male birds have bright colors to attract the females.

How do you tell the difference between a male and female a bird?

Some have different plumage, some are different in size, but for some you need to inspect their genitals in order to tell.