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All Birds of Prey have Excellent vision for finding their prey from a long distance. some of the most famousof these are the eyes of eagles, hawks and falcons - particularly the peregrine falcon.

howevers birds like vultures who lives in hot climate can smell the rotting dead carrion as the hot air from the environment carries the stench miles. all the bird has to do is follow the scent

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Q: How can birds of prey find their prey when their far away?
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How far away can an eagle hear?

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Sometimes you can hear flapping, but mostly they are just too far away to hear it. Birds of prey tend to glide in when they attack so that their prey cannot hear them flapping and escape.Examples: owls make a soft shushing sound when they fly and mourning doves make a chirping sound that is actually their wings touching together on the down-stroke.

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What is vision mechanism in birds?

Actually, we know a lot more know about bird vision than we used to. For one thing, we know that most birds see color far better than humans do, since the human eye has three cones (or color receptors) but birds have four. For another thing, many species-- especially birds of prey-- have a far greater ability to see even small objects at a distance; some can even see an object as far as a mile away. If your library or bookstore has the book "Bird Sense: What It's Like to Be a Bird" by Tim Birkhead, it's well worth reading, as he shares some of the latest research on the hearing, vision, and other senses of all species of birds. I also enclose a link specifically about the vision of birds of prey.

What are a cougars' mental and physical adaptations?

they can smell this that are far away, they have very good eyesight and they have ears to hear their prey

How do you get birds to a bird house?

Put the birdhouse in a tree far away as u can then the next day go check on it

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