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Margay baby facts

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Q: How are the margays young cared for?
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Related questions

What are young margays fed?

Young margays drink milk, produced by the mother.

Do margays go somewhere to give birth to an offspring?

Margays give birth to their young in a hollow of a tree.

Where are margay young born?

Margays like to nest in a hollow of a tree, to have their young.

What do they call margay when they are little?

A young margays is called a kitten or kit.

Is a margay an egg when it is born?

No, Margays give birth to live young.

What is a baby margay wildcat called?

Young Margays are called kittens or kits for short.

Where do margays eat?

The Margay hunts rats, squirrels, young sloths, birds, insects and spiders.

How are tapirs' young cared for?

They are cared by there mother and if they are abandon then they will be cared for by there father which usually might not happen

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Who and how are young cheetahs cared for?

Baby cheetahs are cared by their mothers from 13-20 months

What is a margays shelter?

Margays like to shelter in the hollow of a tree.

How are young howler monkeys cared for?

By pooping