coz they dont get food
It has been observed that baboons adapt their food choices to what is available in their habitats.
their big feet which is called TALON
slap them They graze on plants like grass, hence the name grasshopper, they hop around in the grass eating plants.
Insect adaptations include mouthparts, the ability to fly, leg types, and body shapes.
They scratch under leaves to stir up insects to eat.
They scratch under leaves to stir up insects to eat.
birds adapt to their of feeding . they have different type of feet and beaks which are adapted to their movement and the type of food they feed on
Eagles will take ducks in flight, for food. Ducks eat grasses and sometimes, small fishes. Eagles have talons, ducks have webbed feet. Eagles have beaks, ducks have bills.
Yes, the mammalian limps are adapted for variety methods of food gathering. For instance the cat family has four legs which enables them hunt for their prey. The frog has webbed feet which helps it in swimming.
Cilia is the hairlike projections used for locomotion and obtaining food.
Eagle Food Centers ended in 2003.