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Bees have five eyes: three very simple eyes called ocelli in a triangle on the top of the head which are sensitive to light and dark but can't resolve images; and two compound eyes made up of thousands of tiny lenses called facets.

Compound eyes are particularly good at detecting movement and honey bees cand easily differentiate between solid and broken patters, and show a preference for broken figures. They also seem to prefer moving flowers to stationary ones.

Bees' colour vision extends well into the ultra-violet range, and they are less sensitive to red. They can also distinguish plane polarized light.

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15y ago

A bee has five eyes. There are three, called ocelli, in a triangle on the top of the head which are really only sensitive to light and dark and don't form images.

The bee also has two compound eyes, one on each side of the head. These form images, though not as finely detailed as our own eyes, more like a mosaic. This type of vision is very sensitive to small movements.

The bee's color vision is also different from ours. A bee can see well into the ultra-violet part of the spectrum, which is invisible to us, but is not so sensitive at the red end of the spectrum, so to a bee deep red appears as black.

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14y ago

yes female bees have 101 eyes including their "whispering eye"

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