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Q: Herons usually nest in large colonies known as what?
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Related questions

Why were the Middle Colonies known as the breadbasket?

The middle Colonies were known as the "Breadbasket Colonies" because of their large exports of grains to other colonies and Europe.

What was a large farm called in South Carolina and other colonies?

Large farms in South Carolina were known as plantations.

What do green herons eat?

Fish, frogs, large insects, small snakes.

Why do herons collect together in large groups?

For breeding at rookeries, or at a food source.

Did Germans live in the southern colonies?

yes but they were better known as Morivians

Is a heron a decomposer?

No, herons are not decomposers. Herons are large wading birds that primarily eat fish, frogs, and other small animals. Decomposers are organisms that break down organic matter, such as dead plants and animals, into simpler substances.

Why do bees live in large colonies?

Only honey bees (Apis Mellifera) live in large colonies of up to 80,000 bees because they work as a team and are known as social bees. Other bees live individually or in small groups and are known as solitary bees.

Did the middle colonies have large plantations?

The middle colonies did have some plantations but not on the scale of the South. They were usually about one third to one half the size of the cotton plantations.

What beak stucture does a heron have?

Herons have long pointed beaks to spear fish.

Which region of colonies grew the most tobacco?

The area now known as North Carolina grew large crops of tobacco.

What are the large mouth basses predators?

Herons, alligators, otters, humans. As adults, these predatory fish have few enemies.

What colonies had large plantations?

The plantation system was developed in the Southern colonies of the US. A plantation system/economy is an economy based on agricultural mass production, usually of a few staple products grown on large farms called plantations.