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You can't see your eggs because they can be seen only under a microscope, and no embryologist in the world is going to let a patient still lurching around in an anesthesia daze mess around with his extremely expensive microscope or those precious eggs!


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Q: During embryo transfer Can you see your eggs before you go home?
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What is a mares fertilisation process?

During fertilization, a mare's ova (eggs) are fertilized by a stallion's sperm. The fertilized egg then implants in the mare's uterus where it develops into an embryo. The embryo then grows and develops into a fetus before eventually being born as a foal.

Is there a such thing as horse eggs?

A mare or filly produces eggs in their ovaries, just like most any other female animal. These eggs are released for fertilization or can be flushed out using a vaginal lavage which allows embryo transfer and artificial insemination to occur.

Where is the food for growing embryo inside the eggs?

The yolk supplies all the nutrients for the growing embryo.

Are sperm and eggs both embryos?

No, sperm and eggs are not embryos. Sperm and eggs are reproductive cells, known as gametes, that combine during fertilization to form an embryo. An embryo is the early stage of development after fertilization has occurred.

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Hens lay eggs after being fertilized by a rooster. The eggs are incubated for about 21 days until they hatch into chicks. The mother hen provides warmth and protection for the eggs during incubation and cares for the chicks after they hatch.

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Yes, the stigma of a flower does not contain food for the embryo. Its main function is to receive pollen grains during pollination and facilitate fertilization. Once pollination occurs, the embryo is nourished by the endosperm in the seed.

What is growing baby inside an eggs known as?

An embryo

What is the purpose of the tiny white dot in eggs?

It is the embryo

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Where is formed from the fertilization of eggs within the embryo sac?

The zygote is formed from the fertilization of eggs within the embryo sac. The zygote is the initial cell that will develop into a new organism.

Is it only 5 days in a chicken egg that's its a embryo?

An embryo can form in as little as 3 days but it needs 21 days at 99.5 degrees To hatch. Unfertilized eggs or eggs stored In the fridge will not form an embryo ever.

Do unfertilized eggs of the iguana hatch?

If an egg is unfertilized, then an embryo cannot form.Fertilized = an embryo can form.UNfertilized = an embryo cannot form, because the male (or lack thereof) did not contribute DNA to create life.