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Does the male and female lovebird stay in the same cage with 10 eggs?

If you have two lovebirds in a cage and 10 eggs, then you can be fairly sure you have two hens and not a pair!!!

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Q: Does the male and female lovebird stay in the same cage with 10 eggs?
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Can a female and male lovebird lay eggs?

They can mate and then the female can lay the eggs.

My friends male lovebird is eating the females eggs what should my friend do?

When there are all the eggs laid, remove the male from the cage and keep him separate.

Can a male and female lovebird live together in a cage or will they breed even in a cage im buying them from someone and dont know their sex they are too young please help me?

yes, a male and female lovebird can live happily together and will also breed in a cage but the cage have 2 b appropriate.

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Do female fish lay eggs without male?

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How judge sexual of peach-faced lovebird?

You can tell a male and female apart if you know what to look for. A male has a rounded tail and sits with his legs closer together; a female has a squared tail and sits with her legs further apart. In addition, a female is a bit wider than a male. If you are unsure in any way at all you can either have your lovebird surgically sexed or DNA'd by your vet

You have 2 female lovebirds who are sitting on 4 eggs eachSadly the male got away Can you put another male with them or do you wait until the babies have left the nest?

I have budgies But I think if you put a different male lovebird in with them he would kill the babies or eat the eggs because they wouldn't be his.I would wait until they leave the nest to be safe.