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The kiwi does not fly at all. Its only method of locomotion is walking.

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13y ago
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16y ago

Well, it can't fly! So unless it just rolls downhill there's no other way for it to get around.

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13y ago

Kiwi do not fly. They are unable to fly due to their tiny, rudimentary wings.

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12y ago

Kiwi are flightless. Their only method of locomotion is walking.

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Is a kiwi bird a mammal or bird?

The Kiwi is a bird.

How do kiwi (bird) travel?

Kiwis can't fly. They walk mostly. Run and hop a little.

Is the kiwi bird a nocturnal bird?

No. Kiwi are nocturnal.

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No. The kiwi is a bird.

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When it comes to the birds structure and size, the kiwi bird is bigger than the kokako bird. The kiwi bird is known to be native to New Zealand.

Is a kiwi a native bird?

The kiwi is a native bird in the country of New Zealand.

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The bird was first called the kiwi. The fruit was named kiwi because of its resemblance to the kiwi bird.

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A kiwi is a bird. A kiwi fruit grows on a vine.

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Kiwi, the flightless bird, was named by Maori.

A fruit or a bird from Newzealand started with the letter K?

Kiwi, as in kiwifruit or kiwi bird.

Does the brown kiwi bird have prickly fur?

No. The kiwi is a bird. It has soft, shaggy feathers.