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No, to quail means to cower or retreat in fear.

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Q: Does quail mean to complain
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What are they complain of the Israelites and the response of Moses and Yahweh?

The Isaraelites started to complain to Moses about the food as they only had manna to eat , but they ate their fill in Egypt of quail., and they also grumbled with Moses over the shortage of water.

What does kvetch mean?

To complain. :)

How do you complain to a sim in Sims 3?

you go up to a sim that you want to complain to then you click him\ her then press mean and then complain hope that helps

What does gribe mean?

it means complain

What is a goup of Quail called?

If you mean "group", it is a covey.

Is it illegal to own a button-quail?

'Button Quails' are actually an endangered species, not the Quail that everyone owns. The Quail people own is a decendent of a BQ, but is actually a Chinese Paint Quail. So, protecting the Button Quail, the real Button Quail, is the main priority. So, do you mean the Chinese Painted Quail?Otherwise, we should try to protect the BQ, and let it live in peace.(also, it may depend on where you are)

What does the verb chunder mean?

Chunder can mean to grumble or complain. It can also mean to vomit

What is the phylum of a quail?

Some types of quail are bobwhite quails, button quails, coturnix or Japanese quail, gambles quail, mearns quail, mountain quail, scaled quail, California quail and more

What is the plural of quail?

Quails or quail. Either is acceptable.

How do you spell quiul?

quail is you mean a bird; quill if you mean a big feather.

Who is the cartoon quail who whistles?

"The Crackpot Quail" starring Quentin Quail .

What does whined mean?

It means to complain in a pitiful manner.