Global warming threatens the Antarctic that we know today.
YES! pollution, hungry fish ,etc.
Falconers (or hawkers) can have anything from the Peregrine Falcon to the Golden Eagle.
Humans are very good at dismissing and denying anything that might threaten our preexisting beliefs.Multiple witnesses testified that they had heard him threaten his wife on more than one occasion.The detectives knew the victims were too streetwise to get into a car with someone who looked like he might threaten their safety.Fearing that the scandal would threaten the firm's reputation, the head partners fired her immediately.
It means that that the person who said it thinks that you wont do anything or are weak and that your all talk, you'll say anything u want and maybe even threaten but you wont do anything to them
You shouldn't disrespect them or anything to hurt them or insult them or threaten them.also pueblo is a spanish word for "village"
You shouldn't disrespect them or anything to hurt them or insult them or threaten them.also pueblo is a spanish word for "village"
It means that that the person who said it thinks that you wont do anything or are weak and that your all talk, you'll say anything u want and maybe even threaten but you wont do anything to them
Gyr Falcon, Saker Falcon, Peregrine Falcon, Lanner Falcon, Mauritius Falcon, Pygmy Falcon, Merlin Falcon, American Kestrel, and Prairie Falcon.
The verb of threateningly is threaten. For example, "to threaten someone or something".
Yes you can! If you do anything to threaten it, it will most likely charge you and attack. Then again, if it is dead, you have nothing to worry about.