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Yes , Roy Hodgson

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Q: Does anyone in the world look like an owl?
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Related questions

Is there an owl called elk owl?

As far as I know there isn't. The smallest owl in the world is the ELF owl. this may be what you meant. If you would like more information on the elf owl and other types of owls you can look here.

What do owl look like?

ok, seriously, dude.... there are over 1oo species of owls. Look one up to tell what it looks like. Here are a few you can look up: Barn Owl, Burrowing Owl, Great Horned Owl, Eagle Owl, Brown Fish Owl, Saw-whet Owl, Screech Owl, Great Gray Owl, Elf Owl, etc. -owl expert grl (12 yrs)

What does the Northen eagal owl look like?

like this

What does the la chusa owl look like?

Theres no such thing as a la chusa owl. La chusa is how you say "girl owl" in spansih.

What does th owl silly band look like?

a owl it has ears (kinda) and it has a fat belly and short stubby feet.

I have a hand gun looks like a 32 cal.breaks at the top .has an owl on the handle. could anyone tell me what type of gun it is or where I can look for information on it.?

Get a copy of The Standard Catalog of Firearms from your library and look through the Iver Johnson listings.

Is owl butterflies the same species as a spectacled owl?

No. Owl butterflies are insects, and are named so because they have markings that look like owl eyes on their wings. Spectacled owls are actually a kind of bird.

Does a twit look like a twoo?

No, a twit does not look like a twoo. A twit is a message posted on Twitter, whereas a twoo is a common misspelling of the sound an owl makes.

What does it mean to lock eyes with an owl?

You look at the owl and the owl looks at you.

What do Burrowing owl look like?

A Burrowing Owl is small with long legs, short tail and has spots on its back. The Burrowing Owl is most active hunting in the morning and evening.

What do burrowing owl's burrow look like?

A Burrowing Owl is small with long legs, short tail and has spots on its back. The Burrowing Owl is most active hunting in the morning and evening.

How can you say my name in Egypt?

To say my name in Hieroglyphics it would look like this:(Owl) (Double Reed Leaf) (Water) (Arm) (Owl) (Vulture)