whoo ooh whoo ooh
TOO HOT TO HOOT! it can be read backwards too!HOOT HOOT
Owls can hoot, screech, whistle, or make various other vocalizations depending on their species. Each species of owl has its own distinct call.
because he keeps saying WHOO like he doenst know who they are! LOL!
The sound an owl makes is spelled as "hoot." Yep, just like that, H-O-O-T. Now you can impress all your friends with your newfound owl knowledge. Just don't go trying to have a conversation with one, they're not the chattiest bunch.
More than one species of owl creates the iconic "hoo" sound, but the most common breeds are the Barred Owl and the Great Horned Owl. Both have different hoots, with the Great Horned Owl's hooting being softer and without a recognizable rhythm. Most owls make a wide range of sounds, including hoots, whistles, growls and screeches.
The train says toot toot because if he didnt, the driver would say he gotta go too the potty room to fart. I know its kinda corny.
In the moonlit wood where he old tree stood with its trunk all hollow and its twisted limb, alone I crept with the sky all swept by the flying clouds with their silver rims. On velvet wings I saw him glide, and with a haunted voice he cried: To-whoo, To-whoo, To-whoo From tree near by with its arms in the sky as I looked for his mate in the woody dark, tiny squeaks from hungry beaks betrayed the nest deep in the bark. An answer came from the leafy hide , as with a haunted voice she cried: To-whoo, To-whoo, To-whoo The murder foul, the hunting owl, then swooped and snatched his furry pray; rose in the air and flew to where his mate was still and silver grey, The young were fed and the owls with pride triumphantly together cried: To-whoo, To-whoo, To-whoo_______________________
first you call someone 'you fat lil' toot!'. then they will say 'what?!'. to be continued
To-whit! To-whoo! You can't get merrier than than without drinking.
There is a song at the end of Love's Labour's Lost about an owl, the chorus of which goes "Thus sings the owl, tu-whit, tu-whoo, a merry note while greasy Joan doth keel the pot."
whoo carres about what u say stupids