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Q: Does an albatross have live birth?
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Does antarctic albatross lay eggs or gift birth to young alive?

Give birth to live young

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Where Albatross live?

they mainly live in the sea, except when breeding season

How long do orange albatross butterflies live?

the orange albatross lives for about 13 months when they mate with another butterfly

What species does an albatross belong in?

No albatross live in Antarctica: no animal lives there. Albatross are sea birds and breed on some sub-Antarctic islands, but not on the continent itself. These animals live at sea. See:

Do albatross's live in Antarctica?

Albatross is a sea bird that spends 75% of its time on the wing over water. You can find albatross breeding sites in some sub-Antarctic islands, but none on the continent itself.

Animals live in Antarctic ocean?

seals, penguins, whales and albatross

Is there a book with the title The Albatross?

There is not a book titled The Albatross. There is however, Albatross by Jossie Bloss, The Last Albatross by Ian Irvine and Eye Of The Albatross by Carl Safina.

What are some animals that begin with the letter y and live in Africa?

yellow-nosed albatross

Which is the largest sea bird?

The largest seabird in the world is the Albatross.

When was The Albatross created?

The Albatross was created in 1971.

How fast can albatross' fly?

How fast is an albatross