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No. Kiwi do not live in the desert. Their natural habitat is forests, as this is where their food source is. Their natural habitat is native forests but they are now found in kauri and coniferous forest where the undergrowth is dominated by tree ferns. However, due to habitat clearing, kiwi are now forced to survive in semi-wooded forest, scrubland and agricultural areas.

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Q: Does a kiwi bird live in a desert?
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Does the kiwi bird live in the Sahara Desert?

Kiwi do not live in the Sahara Desert. They do not live in any desert anywhere; nor do they live in any other country apart from New Zealand.

Does the kiwi bird live in Tonga?

No. Kiwi are endemic to New Zealand alone.

What can the kiwi bird do?

They can live under ground

Is a kiwi bird a mammal or bird?

The Kiwi is a bird.

Where does kiwi bird live?

New Zealand.

Do Bird live in the desert?

Yes, there are many species of birds that live in the desert.

Is there a map of where the bird Kiwi lives?

For a map of where the different species of kiwi live in New Zealand, see the related link.

Is the kiwi bird a nocturnal bird?

No. Kiwi are nocturnal.

Is a kiwi a reptile?

No. The kiwi is a bird.

Who's bigger kiwi or kokako?

When it comes to the birds structure and size, the kiwi bird is bigger than the kokako bird. The kiwi bird is known to be native to New Zealand.

Is a kiwi a native bird?

The kiwi is a native bird in the country of New Zealand.

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