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No, bats are placental mammals. Mother bats have live births, just like humans and cats.

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13y ago

bats do not lay eggs, they're mammals........

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Q: Does a bat do eggs
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Are bat hatch from eggs?

no they are mammals

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Does a bat lays eggs?

No, bats are mammals. Most mammals except for monotremes give birth to live young. Since a bat is a placental mammal, it will not lay eggs, it will give birth to live young.

Is the bat part of the bird family?

No, bats are mammals. They do not lay eggs, but instead give birth to live babies.

What can't a mammal do?

They can't lay eggs and can't fly ( except the bat)

Why is an ostrich a bird and the bat is not?

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Do Bat lay eggs?

Bats do not lay eggs. They are placental mammals, not monotremes (egg-laying mammals) like the platypus and the echidna.

Is a bat a monotremes or a placentals?

Bats are placental mammals. Unlike monotremes, they do not lay eggs.

Why is a bat a mammal not a bird?

Bird babies come out of eggs. Bats come out of their mommas.

Do bat s give brith?

Yes, they have live birth and do not lay eggs. They are mammals.

Do bat's hatch from eggs?

Bats are mammals. They give live birth and nurse their babies with milk.