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Usually the male is the one to go homosexual, but yes they can. They will either steal another mates eggs or have a threesome with a male and then chase him away.

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If a boy rabbit has mated with a doe will the doe also mate with him?

I have a neutered male ( Benny) and a female (Millie) living together and when they are out in a run next to another rabbit the female (Millie) normally tries to mate with Benny this could be a dominance thing with other rabbits being around, or even if other rabbits are not around she might just be a very dominant doe.

What is the animal that doe is the female of?

Does are female deer, so they mate with male deer, or Stags. A doe can also refer to the female of various mammals, such as the hare, goat, or kangaroo; In which case the doe would mate with the male of that species.

What is another name for a female deer?

Doea doedoeA doe or a hind

What is another name for female rabbit?

female rabbits can be referred to as does. (Singularly doe)

Can you add a new doe to the same run as a breeding pair of rabbits or will they fight?

The male won't fight the new doe ( he will want to mate with her) but the female will, to defend her territory.

When you put your male rabbit in with a female rabbit they mate but why when i put him in with a another certain female does she start jumping on him and not the other way round is she pregnant?

Rabbits are territorial and when you put a male in a female's cage, it is her space. Therefore it's better to put the doe in the buck's cage.

Should you separate a buck and a doe when she is pregnant?

Once the doe and buck have mated you should separate them. ESPECIALLY when the babies are born. The buck can trample the babies when there still hairless or when they're older the buck will try to mate with the does of the litter.

Is a doe a female goat?

Yes, a female goat is a doe.

What is a sentence for doe?

A doe can be a female rabbit or a female deer.

A mature female goat?

Female goats are normally known as Nannies or Does

What is a billygoat mate called?

A male goat is typically called a "buck" or a "billy." The term "mate" is often used to refer to the partner or companion of an animal, so a female goat who has mated with a billygoat would simply be referred to as a "female goat" or a "doe."

What animal have a doe as a female?

It is a female deerBetter known as a female deer, but also a female goat