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In some areas, like in the south, robins are double brooded, but build a new nest for the second brood.

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Do robins have more than one brood.

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Q: Do robins have more than one brood a year in the same nest?
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Will a robin use the same nest again?

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No they build a new nest for each brood. However they may use the same nest site year after year.

Do bluebirds use the same nest for their second brood?

No. They make a new one for each brood but if you take out the old nest after the young have left the nest they may make a new in that birdhouse.

Do robins and doves nest in same tree?

They will, both species get along quite well.

Will robins use the same nest twice?

No. They build a new nest each year because of safety, health, and instinct reasons.

Do doves use the same nest for succeeding broods?

No. Doves and pigeons build new nests for each brood.

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What animal is called a brood?

Brood can mean: * The young of an animal who exist in the same space. Ex: The Bird's Brood (the birds hatchlings as a whole) * To Worry About Sometihng * To sit on eggs

Should Robin eggs in a nest hatch all at the same time?

An Internet search found that female robins lay one egg per day and that they often hatch one per day in the same order they were laid.

Do swallows move to a hotter place in winter?

Swallows (house martins, swifts, etc) migrate from the northern hemisphere at the approach of Autumn and Winter, to Africa and warmer climes. They are reputed to return to the same nest site each Spring. By migrating, they ensure that insects are available, and they will nest and rear another brood.

What do baby robins look like as they leave the nest?

Robins, and most birds that we know, do not return to a nest after a brood has left. What is called Robin in the US builds in shrubs usually, and includes mud in the base with plant pieces over that. Most used nests will contain diseases and pests such as mites, and take up room where other nests might be made, so removing them after they are empty does all birds a favor. Normally, boxes should be cleaned after a brood, too. In the US, Eastern Bluebird, for instance, will make a second nest over a former one in a box if it is deep enough. Other species may make a nest over one that was tampered with, as when a Cowbird egg is layed in it or eggs are damaged by a House Wren. Other exceptions are swifts and swallows, burrowing birds, and large birds such as Osprey; and birds that use the same places, such as owls using nests from other species including squirrels, and many birds using the same cavity after a woodpecker or other animal made it handy.