Quails can fly, though they tend to keep on the ground amongst covering vegetation. Anyone hunting quail usually use a dog to flush out any quail and force them to take to the air, making them easier targets for the hunter.
Yes, quail can fly.
No, peacocks can fly.
Yes, they can fly, but they prefer to run, some types more than others. California quail will only fly if threatened or to fly up to a spotting perch. Otherwise they run to brush cover.
When they are flushed they can fly about 20 feet off the ground and for about 50 to 60 yards. They seldom fly which is why they don't fly far, they do most of their travelling on the ground. Do chickens fly much? Quail are basically small chickens, so think of it that way. :)
bobwhites can fly quite fast but I am not exactly sure of how fast
The ground. They rarely fly and at night they go in the trees to roost.
Some types of quail are bobwhite quails, button quails, coturnix or Japanese quail, gambles quail, mearns quail, mountain quail, scaled quail, California quail and more
Chickens are very territorial and unless the chickens are smaller and the quail is larger, it probably isn't a good idea for a quail. They can also pass different diseases back and forth so it's not a great idea.
Quails or quail. Either is acceptable.
"The Crackpot Quail" starring Quentin Quail .
no because it is a different type of quail
I think it means flocks of quail.