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Q: Do owls eat eyeballs
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Related questions

Can owls move their eyeballs?

yes and when they sleep they get this clear protector on their eye

What are the Shape of squirrel eyes?

The shape of an owls eyeballs are sort of like tubes.

Do barn owls eat other owls?

eat you

What do desert owls eat?

owls eat bugs

Did the native Americans eat the buffalo eyes?

no they did not eat the eyeballs

Can you eat fish eyeballs?

Possibly, some fish eyeballs may carry disease, but some may not.

What owls eat meat?

All owls eat meat.

Do rattlesnakes eat owls?

No, but owls eat rattlesnakes.

Do spiders eat owls?

yes owls do eat spiders and they get them quite easy when they are in trees. this is because owls live in trees

When do owls eat?

Owls eat at night, of course. They are nocturnal. Yaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

Do owls eat roots?

Owls are carnivorous, therefor, they do not eat roots

Do owls eat banana?

No, owls are carnivores. They only eat meat.