they don't llamas and alpacas that's all the protection they have. do they peck IF your lucky or they have a kick that will kill a lion for protection. and can out run most predators. if in captivity they are supplied water they will regurgitate into the water as they drink(design flaw) in the wild they don't drink they get the moisture from their food.
A pride of ostriches
Groups of ostriches are called herds or flocks. Ostriches generally wander around in groups of five or less, they are considered nomadic.
Ostriches generally don't migrate.
A Deal in Ostriches was created in 1894.
Ostriches Origanlly came from Africa. You may find Ostriches here in Austraila, but not in the wild.
Ostriches have many extraordinary capabilities. Like most animals, ostriches are able to breathe, blink, walk, run (even while pulling chariots, which is something that is somewhat less common among the animal kingdom), eat, digest, urinate, excrete fecal matter, make noises, reproduce, become ill, die, and much more. On a more specific level, ostriches lay the largest eggs of any organism on earth, and can run at speeds exceeding 70 miles per hour for up to 30 minutes. Ostriches also sleep while standing on one leg, can spit a distance of 20 feet, and can, according to National Geographic, defeat a lion in face to face combat situations.
No. 9 ostriches are around 810 pounds. 22 ostriches is closest to a ton.
So they can repopulate the amour of ostriches in the world. Let me put it this way: 0 eggs = Extinct ostriches
Ostriches are tall, and they are dicks.
Ostriches swallow pebbles that help as gastroliths.
The fear of ostriches is called Ornithophobia.Note: Its the fear of birds.