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Q: Do geese sit on their eggs all day?
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Related questions

When do geese sit on their eggs?

Usually in the Spring time in early May

How long a gooses pregnant?

Geese do not get pregant. They lay eggs and sit on a nest.

Will a hen sit on her eggs all day?


Do geese sit on their eggs?

Yes they do some eggs can"t live without there mother geese for example stay together and wont leave their eggs. remember when it hatches who does the teaching like swimming, how to hunt, how to run away from a predator I live near a river and it has a lot a geese, birds, and ducks so i would take my advice................................

How often does a White Pekin duck have to sit on her eggs during the day for them to eventually hatch?

How often does a White Pekin duck have to sit on her eggs during the day for them to eventually hatch

How long do cliff swallows sit on their eggs for?

1 day

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My hens will sit the eggs all day but not at night why?

Hens typically only sit on their eggs during the day when they are most active and alert. At night, they prefer to roost and sleep to conserve energy. It is a natural behavior for hens to incubate their eggs during the day and rest at night.

How many eggs can a goose lay in one day?

That depends on the breed/species. Most domestic geese can lay 1 egg every 1.5 days. She will continue laying until she goes broody (will sit on the eggs to incubate them), if she is inclined to do so - some breeds are not good sitters. If you remove the eggs each day, she will continue to lay eggs throughout the season, how many eggs any goose might lay being dependant on the breed/strain.

In what species of fish does the father sit on the eggs?

the southern black koi fish males sit on the eggs until the eggs all hatch only if the female brings food to them every hour or he will eat them all.

How often does hen have to sit on eggs?

every second of the day but she occasionally uses the restroom on the eggs to keep them warm for a while

Do parakeets have to sit on their eggs?

Yes, like all birds, the eggs must be incubated to hatch.