To keep them as happy as a goose can be, yes. Pairs are the preferred way. Not necessary, but preferred.
2nd Answer: Next time you look up into the sky and you see a huge V formation of geese remember it is usually ONE family with a mother, father, sons, daughters, grandchildren, grandparents, aunts, uncles etc. They will also take on a goose that has gotten lost and allow him/her to travel with them. They remain as family unit except in Spring when the goslings are born, then they pair off to find nesting spots of their own. But usually family members will have the nest nearby each other.
they need bricks
what do u call a bunch of geese
3 (oxen, horses and geese)
they need a body of water near them for part of their shelter.
Canada geese, white-fronted geese, emperor geese, Brant geese, lesser snow geese, Ross geese, and Aleutian geese.
No, the correct way to indicate possession for plural nouns like "geese" is "The geese are carrying." There is no need for an apostrophe before the "s" in this case.
It could be more, but 7 is the least amount you need to make a gaggle.
i think you do.
geese fact ...... geese fact ......
Geese. Look at the goose! (one goose) Look at the geese! (two geese.
A skein of geese is a group of geese IN FLIGHT