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Female fish just lay eggs and without the fertilizer from the male the embryo in the eggs won't survive long enough to hatch. I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure that's how it goes.

male betta fish make a nest for the female on top of the water for the female to lay the eggs inside the nest. then the male will fertilize the nest, but the female has to have a nest to lay the eggs.

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No because the bubble nest will pop and all the eggs will drop.

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No. Like all birds, cockatiels require a male and female to produce a fertile egg.

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Q: Do cockatiel eggs hatch without a male?
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Do you have to have a male cockatiel to fertilize a female cockatiel?

Yes. Your female cockatiel may lay an egg however without a male it will not be fertilised and therefore a dud.

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No. If the female attempted to hatch eggs without a male, the eggs won't be fertile, and the egg will just go rotten.

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You cannot. A female cockatiel needs a male cockatiel to mate with her before she will produce fertile eggs. And incidentally, birds do not "fall pregnant".

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if you mean eggs you buy in a store, then no, because these eggs were conceived by the bird without male fertilisation.

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A female will lay eggs wether she has a male to fertilize them or not. These eggs will never hatch without the male. But with a male and female they will have intercourse where the male will fertilize the female and then after a few months the female will lay fertile eggs and a few more months they will hatch into baby geckos

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All female birds can lay eggs without a mate. However, without a male, the eggs will be infertile and will not hatch.

Do cockatiel lay 4 eggs with nothing in them?

If there is no male in the cage, they will lay eggs, but they will not be fertile.

Will duck eggs hatch with no male?

Absolutely. The hen will produce an egg without a rooster involved. Most eggs you buy in the grocery stores are from hens who have never seen a male bird. Large egg producers do not keep male birds.

Does a chicken egg have to be fertilized by a male chicken to make a chick?

They lay eggs daily, but if you want chicks you have to have a male to fertilize the eggs.

Can duck eggs be fertile without a male?

No, a male must fertilize the eggs or they will not hatch.

Will a duck have an egg without mating with a male?

Most ducks will lay eggs without mating, like chickens do, but the egg will not contain an embryo, and will not hatch without the male.

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