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Yes, they'll grow back next time the turkey molts (sometime during Fall).

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13y ago

very rarley dose if you pulled it off it wont because there's a little tube in side the feather full of blood but if it falled off it a 40/100 chance bye

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Q: Do bird tail feather grow back when lost?
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It will depend if it is a baby or not. A hatchling will start to get feather pins in a couple days after hatching. It will be fully feathered in about a month. If your parakeet has molted, I recommend buying a molting suppliment or molting diet seeds, it is a very stressful time for a bird. These molted feathers will grow back in depending on how well the bird is taken care of and the size of the feather growing in. My quaker lost his tail feathers and it took about a month for them to start sprouting back out. If it is a non-flight feather or down feather it should grown in quite quickly.

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Parakeets, and birds in general do not get their period. If a person notices that their is blood in their bird's cage, it may be because the bird has lost a feather.

What does it mean to find a black feather by your car and a grey feather by your car?

Usually, both in modern times, and in times gone by, it means a bird has lost some feathers!

If a baby owl loses its feathers will they grow back?

Baby birds with hatchling fuzz will lose the fuzz as pin feathers grow in. Any time a new feather grows in, the old feather in that particular feather folicle has to fall out first.

Do cockatiels tail feathers grow back in?

It takes about 4-6 weeks for a feather to completely grow back. However, the amount of time depends on the overall health of the bird. It also depends if the feather has been broken off or if it has completely come out. A broken feather never grows back but needs to be shed by the bird during a moult before it regrows. When the flight feathers are clipped it will depend on how long before its next moult as to the time the feathers take to regrow. If the bird has just moulted and is clipped then it will be a few months as opposed to a bird that is clipped just prior to moulting.

What does it mean to see a black feather fall from the sky?

It means that a bird with black feathers flew above you and lost one of his feathers.

When you drop aqua beads do they grow back?

No they don't grow back they just get lost

Can Magpies grow missing wing feather back - I have a magpie that has been attacked by other Magpies and has a broken foot and feathers missing. It can fly but I want to know if feather grow back?

Yes. All birds will regrow feathers. Birds go through a molt each year. Molt is the loss of old and damaged feathers and the regrowth on new ones. If the magpie can still fly and if it survives until its next molting period, it will have a new feather to replace the lost one.

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When you quit smoking will lost hair grow back?

it did not for me

Do fingernails that are ripped off grow back?

yes they grow back takes a while tho have lost a couple myself but they do grow back the same as before

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No, crocodiles are not able to regenerate lost limbs or grow them back once they have been lost. Once a crocodile loses a limb, it does not regrow it.