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It comes natural for them, like talking does for us. Although there are some owls that make screeching sounds instead of "hoots." They hoot for a number of reasons: communication to other owls, or they feel in danger....etc.

God Made Owls That Way.

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13y ago

Owls do have ears. They have two ears and they both tilt different directions for example, one goes in the front and up and the other goes down and back so it can hear virtually everything around them.

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it depends what kind of owl its and what's your name

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Do eurasian eagle owls have ears?

All owls have ears.

Do owls have small ears?

Yes, owls have small ears located behind the eyes and covered by a tuft of feathers.

How do owls hear well?

They have ears :]

What are short eared owls threats?

to cut their ears

Why do owls have small ears?

maybe , because they have big eyes so they would have small ears you might as well ask why is the sky blue? owls have great eye sight they do not need perfect ears as well.

How big can an owls brain get?

There is not much room left for the owls brain, as the eyes and ears take most of the space in the owls head up.

Where do owls make their homes?

Owls have exceptionally developed ears, there being three found types of ears in owls, most owls ears are placed asymmetrically which means whilst the ears are on the side of the owls head, just behind the facial disc, one side is higher than the other, allowing the owl to pinpoint sound height accurately as well as distance accurately.

Do Short Eared Owls Have Ears?

Yes they are simply small

Do Barn Owls have tufts?

No. Some species of owl have feathery tufts that are sometimes mistaken for ears. Barn owls do not have these.

How did long eared owls get there name?

I believe that they were first called "long-eared owls" when people saw their ears.

How are the ears and eyes of barn owls specially adapted for hunting?

the ears and eyes are really adapted to hunting

Where are owls eyes located?

Their ears are holes on the sides of their head. Many owl species also have ear tufts on top of their head, but these are not their actual ears.