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My bird is 13 months and is always in a moult. Get their wings clipped and never leave them on their own because they get scared and moody

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Q: Could someone give me info on budgie chicks from hatching to moulting?
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What if your budgie keeps leaving her chicks?

if your budgie keeps leaving her chicks its probably because she is to young to breed. most breeders wait until their budgie is about one year old before they breed them. it is best to wait until your budgie is 18 months before breeding them

Do hatching chicks like dark or light?


What colour will the budgie chicks turn out if the mum is green and the dad is violet?

they will all be green

How do you feed baby chicks just hatched from an incubator but their eyes not yet open?

Chicks absorb the yolk before hatching; they have enough nutrients via the yolk to last for 48 hours. DO NOT REMOVE the chicks from the incubator until they are fully dry, and the whole clutch has finished hatching.

How do you prepare forthe hatching of chicks?

By putting the eggs near a warm place.

Can chicks be removed from the mother hen after hatching?

yes it can if your are wearing the right protection

Do chicks hatch by themselves?

Yes, they do. It's bad for the chick to induce hatching yourself.

What is the definition of hatching?

Hatching is the process in which baby birds (called chicks) come out of the egg they are born in. The chicks have an egg tooth that they use to break out of the egg. Once the chick has broken the eggshell, its egg tooth will fall off. I hope this helps!

Do you get greyish spots before hatching?

Do You? Your not talking to animals, And plus,People dont hatch...But chicks do

How do chicks get nourishment before they hatch?

Chicks get nourishment before they hatch from the egg from the egg white and the yolk, which is absorbed into the chick's stomach just prior to hatching.

What are young storks called?

Young storks are called chicks or nestlings. They remain in the nest for several weeks after hatching and are cared for by their parents.

Are chicks roosters before they hatch?

Definitely NO because hens egg is chicks before hatching and when hatched when it grow up it is already rooster if the chick is a boy but if it is a girl it is a hen..