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only if you get magic dust and feed it 20 dumplings in advance

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Q: Can you train your duck to attack certain people?
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Can you potty train a Pekin duck?

No, it is impossible to potty train a duck. I have heard of people, though, who have used what they call ducky diapers for in-house ducks. Here is a picture of one:

What is the phrase duck and cover?

It comes from the Cold War when it was said to remind people if a nuclear attack takes place to get under something ( duck) and cover.

What actors and actresses appeared in Duck Dodgers in Attack of the Drones - 2004?

The cast of Duck Dodgers in Attack of the Drones - 2004 includes: Jeff Bennett as Daffy Duck

Why does the video show many people ducking and covering in a variety of situations?

to show that duck and cover would protect a person during an atom bomb attack.

Is it possible to litter box train a duck?


What does the video show many people ducking and covering in a variety of situations?

to show that duck and cover would protect a person during an atom bomb attack.

When did Duck Dumont die?

Duck Dumont died in 14 August 2005 of heart attack.

Do ducks attack people?

yes if ur really calm...nd dont to anything dumb or any sudden movement that might scare the duck.....or maybe it could come to you if you try to feed it ...

What are the ratings and certificates for Duck Dodgers in Attack of the Drones - 2004 TV?

Duck Dodgers in Attack of the Drones - 2004 TV is rated/received certificates of: USA:G

What do you do if you come under bomb attack?

Duck And Roll.

What was the purpose of the movie Duck and Cover?

The Duck and Cover was an early film meant to teach Americans what to do in case of a nuclear attack.

Why does your male duck attack you?

because it thinks your a female and wants to have sex with you