

Can you give birds tobacco

Updated: 12/20/2022
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12y ago

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yes as long as it's in large doses!

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Q: Can you give birds tobacco
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Does chewing tobacco give a false DNA test?

Chewing tobacco can potentially affect the result of a DNA test by contaminating the sample with DNA from the tobacco residue. This could lead to inaccurate results or difficulties in interpreting the test. It is recommended to avoid using tobacco products before providing a DNA sample.

Can you give me a sentence for tobacco?

Tobacco is a plant in which the leaves are mainly smoked in pipes and cigarettes and consumed as chewing tobacco. It contains the stimulant nicotine.

What do birds give out on Halloween?

Birds do not give anything out on Halloween because they do not celebrate holidays!

What will happen if you give birds chocolate?

You shouldn't give birds chocolate because it is toxic to them.

Is it illegal for an adult to give a minor tobacco in Pennsylvania?

Yes , if it is illegal for minors to smoke in the state, it is illegal to for adults to give them tobacco products.

What is the number one reason teenagers use tobacco?

Probably all the free advertising that Tobacco Control give it.

How do you identify those birds who lay eggs and those who give birth?

There are no birds that give live birth.One of the characteristics of birds is that they all lay eggs.

What is a good topic sentence on tobacco use?

The only thing that tobacco use will give is Cancer. This can be used to spread awareness.

When you are chewing tobacco can that give you cancer in your mouth?

Yes, definitely.

What does North Carolina give other states?

Nascar and tobacco

What is the name that the arawaks give to tobacco plant?

Nicotiana tabacum

Why is tobacco bad for you?

Tobacco is bad for you because, whether you smoke cigarettes, or chew tobacco, you are still putting toxic chemicals into your body that can definitely give you cancer, but also potentially kill you.