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It depends on what kind of 'wings' you are talking about. There are mechanical wings, like those of a jetpack, which man can use to fly (which costs thousands of dollars). Those are metal wings that do not move, but aid in the flight of humans. If you mean like organic wings, like those birds have, then man will never be able to fly, because our bodies are just to heavy, and our bones are too dense for flight.

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Q: Can man fly in the sky with the help of wings like birds fly?
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How do the birds wing help them?

Without wings, birds couldn't fly.

What organs do birds have for locomotion?

some birds fly and some birds don't but have wings, the wings balance them so they wont fall so i suggest '''wings and feet or feet''' wings and feet cause others can fly and feet cause other don't like chicken and others hope i help :)

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Insects that have wings can fly. They fly with their wings like birds.

Why can't you fly like birds can?

Because you are not a bird. And you don't have wings like birds

What is a sternum and why is it necessary for birds to fly?

Type your answer here... sternum is like a bone of wings which helps the birds to fly

How small and under-developed wings help birds fly?

Probably better for gliding than flying. Depends on how the birds flap their wings, how big they are and how big their wings are.

What helps a bird fly?

A bird's ability to fly is primarily enabled by its large chest muscles, which power its wing movements. Additionally, the unique structure of a bird's skeleton with hollow bones and air sacs reduces its overall weight, making flight more energy-efficient. Birds also have feathers that provide lift and enable them to maneuver in the air.

Why can't chickens fly like other birds?

Because their wings arnt like other birds.

Did the Dodo Bird have wings?

yup but they couldn't fly.....just like penguins!

With how many wings do birds fly?

Two, all birds have two wings.

How does flight feathers help birds fly?

by being sturdy and keep birds wings not wet it just slides off

True or flase birds use wings and feathers to fly so all birds can fly?

To say that birds use wings and feathers to fly, so all birds can fly, would be false. Not all birds can fly. An ostrich is an example of a bird that cannot fly.