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A ferret might perceive a parrot as prey. Birds tend to be nervous around ferrets. It's best to keep them in separate areas.

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Q: Can ferrets live with parrots
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What country do parrots live in?

most parrots live in Brazil.

Where do ferrets live and not as pets?

Wild ferrets - European polecat ferrets live in Europe. Black Footed ferrets live in North America.

Do parrots live in the Amazon rainforest?

Yes parrots live in the rainforest.

Are ferrets born live?

Yes, ferrets are mammals that give live births

What part of Europe do Domestic Ferrets Live?

Domestic ferrets live in all of Europe.

Do ferrets live in the forest?

Ferrets live on the outskirts of forests, pastures, rough grassland and scrubland.

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Parrots. Amazon parrots.

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What type of animals are in a rainforest?

there are parrots and toucans who live in the rainforest. there are parrots and toucans who live in the rainforest.

How long can parrots live up to?

Some parrots can live up to 100 years old.