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Ducklings, Goslings, Chickens

Can all live without the mother

the only reason a mother is with her young ones if allowed is for protection

some bird species need to feed there young like a robin would

but ducks geese and chickens give nothing to there young except protection and survival skills.

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13y ago

Yes, they can feed themselves from hatching, but they will need food and water provided in their environment.

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13y ago

Yes, tounching the eggs or babies of any animal will cause the mother to abandon them because they now smell like people.

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12y ago

No, because then there would be no more ducks in the world.

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Q: Can ducklings survive without their mother?
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Is it ok to take the ducklings from the mother and will you be able to put them back with the mother once she has hatched all the ducklings but separated from the other ducks?

Most of the time if you take the ducklings from the mother they will see you as their mother and follow you around so it might be hard to put them back with her and make them stay with her. So I don't know if I would remove them from her or not You are best off leaving the ducklings with the hen rather than removing them. Especially if you want mom to do the raising of the ducklings.

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Ofcourse a baby salamander can live without it's mother.

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Ducklings will sometimes treat a person as their mother what is this an example of?

This is an example of imprinting, a process where a young animal forms an attachment to the first moving object it sees after hatching. The ducklings associate the person with their mother figure and follow them accordingly.

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What should you do when you find ducklings?

leave them they will get scared being with you they can find there mother

Duck who has hatched 3 baby chick and 4 ducklings can these all survive together or do you need to take the chicks away?

you need to take the chicks away it wont be long before the mama takes the ducklings into water and the chicks will not survive

Can spider eggs survive without the mother?

no because they'll get eaten

Can ducklings live on their own?

It depends how old the ducklings are, younger ducklings need a source of heat if they don't have a mother because they can't generate their own body heat. An older duckling, say it's almost fully feathered, can live on it's own.

When can ducklings swim?

If they are with a mother, pretty soon after they hatch, but if they are not, once thy get all of their feathers.

Can a baby beaver survive without mother?

If it has a human to care for it, yes it can. But a duckling in the wild could not survive without it's mother. It would be easy prey and the elements and hunger would kill it if an other animal did not.