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Parakeets can be in airconditioning as long as its above 73 and its not directly under any open vents.

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Q: Can budgie live in air condition room?
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Does a budgie need cold fresh air?

Never put your budgie in cold air, the breeze can make him sick. Put your budgie in warm air!

Why does the temperature decreases when you are outside of an air-condition room?

The temperature decreases when you are outside of an air-conditioned room because the air within the room is cooler due to the air conditioning system. When you step outside, you are exposed to the ambient temperature of the surrounding environment, which is often warmer than the conditioned air inside the room.

How might a modern owner make a castles rooms less clammy?

By putting air condition, putting in some light and to remodel the room.

If it is cold outside and the air conditioner is on why is it hot inside the room?

you might need freon in the air condition.

Why is it that doors are closed when Air Condition is on?

because air conditioners work throughout a room closed or not closed. if it is open the cool air will get out of the room and the AC will have to cool more air than the air inside the room which will make the AC to work longer and the electricity usage will increase.

Can you put aquarium fish in air condition room?

you can as long as you have a filter and a fish tank

How much does it cost per hour to air condition a 750 sq foot room?


Why would our air condition not work in one room?

Maybe the duct came apart or the air filter is dirty. If the room is on the top floor it could be a fan issue(not strong enough to push air to room) You might not have enough registers in the room to get the proper airflow, could be a number of things.

Can hamster stay in an air condition room?

They can,but make sure its 22 to 25 degree. Not cooler than that. And make sure they have a place to be warm for example,a hide house with soft bedding. But if you have baby hamsters, do not keep them in air condition room or else they'll get sick or even die.

How might a modern owner make a castles room less clammy?

By putting air condition, putting in some light and to remodel the room.

When a budgie has a bubble of air on its neck what does it mean?

Maybe it's not air, it could be an ingrown feather or it could be a tumour?

Why is nitrogen and oxygen a main condition for life?

because you need air to live.