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I know that Owls CAN'T actually spin their head all the way around in a 360 degrees. But they can turn it all the way behind them one way then turn to the front and go the other way.

Does that make sense?? >__<

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Q: Can birds twist there heads all the way around?
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Ok, so we know altogether there are 30 animals(all animals have heads right?). Sooo... I make it, 20 land beasts and 10 birds. Sorry if its wrong! :&gt; - that's meant to be a bird by the way.

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Magnets inside of there head tell them what places are habitable or inhabitable. That it why most birds travel in groups. Larger birds don't have a flock because they don't have magnets in their heads to tell them. With larger birds it is all instinct and survival of the fittest.

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Owls can see very well in the dark, also they can turn their heads all the way around so they can see things behind them aswell

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Birds and fish have eyes positioned on the sides of their heads to increase their field of view and enhance their ability to detect predators or prey. This lateral placement also allows for better depth perception, which is important for their survival in their respective environments.

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Insectivorous birds fly in circles to catch flying insects.

What is a half in tumbling?

A half is when you do a layout but you twist to either the left or the right (doesn't matter) and you only twist half way around instead of all the way around. So you are doing a 180 spin and you will land facing the opposite direction that you started. If you twisted all the way around it would be a full.